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  • How Regular Massage Therapy Can Pay Off

Massages are not just for parlors and spas anymore. Yes, massages can be highly relaxing and often form part of a relaxation and rejuvenation regimen, but they offer benefits that extend far beyond mere self-care.

What is massage, really?

Massage is also a therapeutic practice. Expert manipulation of your muscles and limbs can reduce tension throughout your body and even ease your experience of pain. Whether as a separate treatment regimen or practiced alongside other forms of physical therapy, it can help reduce the symptoms of muscle and nervous system disorders.

Massage is a word you’ve heard a lot. But we want to make sure you have the basic information about massage to make an informed choice about whether massage therapy near you may be worth looking into. Once you get a handle on this introduction to the benefits of massage, get in touch with a chiropractor in SW Calgary to find out how massage can help you.

Types of massage

Massage comes in many forms and styles, but they generally have this in common: Massage describes the practice of rubbing, manipulating, and applying pressure to your ligaments, tendons, skin, and muscles. The various types of massage are distinguished, in part, by the amount and location of pressure imposed, the length and style of movements, and the pace of movements. There are four primary types of massage.

Swedish massage

This gentle practice uses motions including tapping, vibration, kneading, deep circular movements, and long strokes to ease stiff muscles, revive tired muscles, and to improve the range of motion of out-of-shape muscles. The primary goals of Swedish massage are improving range of motion, blood and lymphatic circulation, and cellular nutrition.

Sports massage

Sports massage is itself a broad category of massage that means different things to different people. As a general rule, sports massage is intended for people engaged in sports activities and has the goal of preventing or responding to sports-related injuries. Precise types and techniques of sports massage vary depending on the particular sport involved as well as the particular athlete’s activity level, athletic performance, level of competition, and personal goals.

Deep massage

Deep massage treatment targets muscles and connective tissues — including tendons and the fascia that protect your muscles, bones and joints — deeper within your body using more forceful and usually slower massage strokes. A common goal of deep massage is to release muscle tension and to address muscle damage caused by injuries.

Trigger point massage

This form of massage targets trigger points — you may also know them as knots — in your body’s muscles. When pressure is applied to those sensitive points, they often produce pain (sometimes in different parts of the body than where the pressure point is located). Trigger point massage has the goal of easing the tension and pressure around those knots, and to reduce the related pain. It can be of particular use for dealing with muscle injuries and overuse.

The value and benefit of massage therapy in SW Calgary for any particular person is something you should explore with a chiropractor near you who is familiar with your medical history, personal situation, and goals. Many people who participate in regular massage therapy report improvements in a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
  • Sports injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Whiplash
  • Spasms, strains, and sprains
  • Neck and back pain

No two massage regimens are the same, since no two bodies are exactly the same when one considers their level of fitness, past history, medical condition, and future goals. Curious about the benefits of regular massage for you? Contact a chiropractor near you and find out.